
Can anyone tell me why i might dream this?

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I was hanging out with my neighborhood friends outside in the summer, which is kind of unusual because we all have gotten busier and couldn't really do that anymore. but one of the girls wasn't there, because she was having a party with all of mine and hers friends but i wasn't invited, and suddenly that girl (madelynn) came out and asked me if i wanted to join. so i said sure and went inside her house with her. but when i got in, the kitchen was MY kitchen. and then upstairs was really weird, and too hard to explain. but in my dream i knew the upstairs part was another friend's (tina's) house. so the house like changed as you go through it.

but the main thing about it, a guy, that's like my best friend but haven't seen him since like last year. (and i really miss him), was there (john)

and we saw each other, and hugged for a really long time. and through out the dream i felt more than friendship for him, and now I'm wondering if i feel More for him in real life?

so is this dream trying to tell me something? or is it just a dream?

(names are changed, but close to the real ones)




  1. You are one of these shy people who find it very hard to mix easily, and you wish to cure that shyness. A steady relationship is something you desire very much but when the opportunity comes along you do not grasp the moment. They are around you all the time but you hang back too much and allow them to slip away. This is not with just one special person it is a general desire that is inherent in all of us.

    Be bold and take the next opportunity. Good luck.  

  2. Unfortunately dream interpretation is not a science.  Although many feel that it is, or can be.  No one can accurately tell you why you have a specific dream, or what "symbolism" something in a dream means.

    However, as it IS studied as a science there are a few backed up facts that can support certain theories. As far as anyone knows dreaming is just the brain (which doesn't sleep) being active while the body is shut down.  Many people believe that having questions when you go to sleep will engage the mind while you rest and that the images and sounds and feelings you experience in the dream are the mind's way of dealing with those questions.

    Most dreams are in familiar settings ( "familiar" being used loosely as you can dream of a bathroom you were in at age 3) so the street and rooms in the house aren't that uncommon. It is just a setting for the dream to take place as far as anyone can tell.

    As for John, There are several theories, but who knows?  Perhaps you watched a show just before bed that had an actor that reminded you of him, or you heard a quote he used to say a lot.  It really doesn't take a lot of input to add something to the subconscious mind.  Or maybe you do have feelings beyond friendship for him and this is your way of dealing with it.

    About all you can do is think about it while awake (the feelings not the dream) and make a conscious decision about how you feel for him, then contact him, hang out a few times and see where it goes.

    Hence the phrase: "to put your mind at ease"

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