
Can anyone tell me why my puppy may have a blue/gray discoloration of her left eye?

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I just got a new chihuahua puppy mixed with another unknown bread of dog who is only 7wks old according to the owner. She came from a bad home and has a lot of bumps on her stomach that is from flea attacks that I'm treating. I noticed she had a blue/gray discoloration of her left eye, but I can't tell if its the entire eye. Does it sound like something that is permanent or just something I could maybe have a vet treat with some drops? Also if you know what it is, please include that in your answer. She does not seem to be complaining, but shes sort of weak, so she hasn't been moving around enough to know if it is causing blindness. She was the runt of the family, but did seem to have a good appetite when I gave her some soft puppy food.




  1. My boxer has the same thing. It is slowly receding for some reason. The person I got her from tried to tell me that she had a blue eye (as in color, not something wrong) so I thought nothing of it.  Now, however, as it gets smaller, I wonder, especially seeing as how all white boxers tend to be blind and/or deaf.  Luckily, mine is neither (unless it's selective)

    I would have the vet take a look if I were you. Keep a close watch on it yourself also, just in case it turns out to be the beginning stages of blindness.

  2. 7 weeks is too young to be away from her mother. Most responsible breeders do not allow puppies to leave until 8 to 10 weeks. But from what you described you did not choose a responsible breeder. If your puppy is weak and not moving around much GET HER TO A VET NOW!!! Chihuahua pups can get low blood sugar and die. This is more serious than a discoloration in her eye. I've seen dogs (and people) who have one blue eye and one bown eye. And the blue eye can appear to be bluish-gray...BUT if the white of the eye is blue gray then your pup has a BAD case of heartworms. Heart worms are caused by swallowing a flea, so you'd best get to the vet TODAY and not next week.  

  3. Well when there is a blue/gray discoloration it may be cataracts.  Take her into the vet and have it checked.  That would be very young to have this condition, but it could be possible.  Best to have the pups checked by your vet anyway.

  4. She could be blind in that eye or their could be some kind of  abrasion on the eye. If your really worried about it take her to see a veterinary ophthalmologist. here's a link to find one near you

  5. sounds like either a cataract or a scar from an injury. it could be permanent but you really should take her to a vet to be sure.

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