
Can anyone tell me why my tongue is turning BLACK?!?!?!?

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Yes, you read it right.

Last night I was dreaming that my breath smelled. And when I woke up this morning, my mouth tasted really bad. So I brushed my teeth right away, and the taste went away. BUT, it came back not to much later. So I was all "What the heck?", but I looked in my mouth, and my tongue is turning black!!

And it tastes really bad too. Does anyone have any idea why my tongue is turning black??

Here is a pic to prove it.




  1. Whenever you brush your teeth, also give your tongue a scrubbing.

    This could be caused by a fungal infection (not dangerous), by smoking tobacco, or even by use of pepto-bismol.

    If you see your doctor, and it is fungal, he'll either recommend regular brushing of the tongue or prescribe an antifungal medicine.  

  2. It could be a few things,

    i used to get those when i was little, 14 now,

    my mom also had it once,

    if you snore at night your tounge could be very dry,

    and if you don't brush your teeth floss and mouthwash at night,

    that could be bacteria,

    youll be fine,

    BRUSH YOUR TOUNGE every time you brush your teeth.

  3. Black tongue is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria or yeast on the tongue, most kids with a black tongue have a much simpler explanation...

    Medications like Pepto-Bismol, or other drugs that have bismuth as an ingredient, can cause a black discoloration or staining on your tongue for a few days. It is harmless and goes away a few days after you stop taking the medication.

    Keep in mind that the main ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, Bismuth Subsalicylate, has been linked with Reye Syndrome, a potentially life-threatening disorder that has been associated with kids who take it and also have a viral illnesses, especially the flu or chicken pox. This led the FDA to allow the original Pepto-Bismol and Kaopectate, which also contains Bismuth Subsalicylate, to only include labeling instructions for children over age 12. Some doctors go even further though and recommend that even teens not take aspirin or salicylate containing medicines.

  4. I'd call a dentist right now and ask em about this.

    Good luck! And i hope it's nothing serious.

  5. Black hairy tongue refers to a number of conditions of humans and animals that cause the tongue to become unusually dark and/or hairy in appearance.

    Black hairy tongue in humans is a harmless condition caused by a fungus which grows on the top surface of the tongue. It is associated with the elderly, as well as with antibiotic use. It is more commonly seen in tobacco smokers. While black is the most common color associated with the condition other colors are also possible. Brush your tongue when you brush your teeth and it will help.

  6. It may be just staining from something you have eaten. That's what it looks like. Coke?

    If it's not that and if it doesn't go away go get it checked by the doc.

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