
Can anyone tell me why my two month and twenty-nine day old daughter is drooling as if she's teething?

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I have two other daughters and I have to say, I do not recall them drooling this young? lol. I also want to add in my opinion it's excessive and it recently started about a week or so ago.




  1. My daughter is 4 months old and has been drooling like crazy since she was 3 months. I've been told that some baby's are just naturally more drooly than others. She could very well be starting to teethe, or she might just be a drooly one!

  2. my son did that at three months but not teeth. it might be just the gums getting ready for the teeth. keep bibs around and keep an eye on it for rashes

  3. Probably teething, there have been babies born with 1or2 teeth....

  4. my daughter started drooling alot when she was 3 months old i called the ped and the nurse told me they can start teething that young and it was ok to give baby orajel every now and then (i dont recommend it unless they are showing signs of pain) so i thought she was in fact teething but she didnt get any teeth untill she was 11 months old! and now my 2 month old son he will be 3 months on the 2nd is drooling like crazy all the time to im not sure why they do it but i do know that it does not mean that they are teething maybe they have overactive salvitory glands?

  5. My son is 4 months old and has been drooling like there is not tomorrow since he was 2 months old.  I don't see any signs of teeth yet.  My daughter was the same but didn't get any teeth until she reached the age of 1.  So for me I am not holding my breath on the teeth LOL...just going through many, many bibs a day.

  6. That's not uncommon. There is also the possibility that she IS getting ready to teethe. Some babies are actually BORN with teeth, so it's not unheard of for a 3 month old to start. Good luck!

  7. My son teethed early drooled alot

  8. my daughter was drooling for a few months straight, i have probably about 200 pictures of her where she's constantly drooling.  it's totally normal, though, and every baby is different, so if it's really concerning you, just ask her doctor about it at her next appointment.  other than that, all i can say is keep up on the bibs and spit up cloths!!

  9. Oh yeah, she's teething alright.  My son started drooling at 2 1/2 months and had 8 teeth at 7 months old.  Stick your finger in her mouth to see if she'll gnaw on it for relief, if she does then you have your answer!  Good luck... my son's getting his second year molars now and the poor thing is in so much pain.

  10. The drool can start a long time before the tooth pops out! My son was about 3 months when he started drooling and was about 5 1/2 months when his first tooth appeared.

  11. coz she probably IS teething.

  12. my oldest daughter started drooling at 1 1/2 months. i thought she had trouble swallowing ,took her to the doc and she said some children start teething very early. so try giving her cold rags and/or teething rings(that are cold).it should help. and if theres pain ask you Dr how much Motrin she can have,it works. also you might want to invest in bibs with the vinyl backs. i didn't like them at first but they keep clothes dry.

  13. She is probably teething.  Children can get teeth as young as three months.

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