
Can anyone tell me why someone would think it's NOT possible for men to be...?

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Billy C asked whether it's really possible for men to be bisexual, he said he didn't believe it.

Now, I get why people are against bisexuality/homosexuality/trans etc, but to not believe it's possible? I don't get it.

Anyone care to explain?

If Billy C replies to this post BTW I expect a thorough answer too from him. LOL




  1. Let's be clear everyone: I don't believe in bisexuality in MEN.  I also have no prejudice feelings toward the concept.

    You know to be honest I forgot why I don't believe in it.

    I'm probably wrong.

    Take care!

  2. Because he chooses to see every other man's actions through his own.  As you said, not believing in it and not believing it can be is two different things.

  3. im bisexual. i had girlfriends and i had boyfriends. i had s*x with both girls and boys and neither one felt better or weird. i like straight p**n and g*y p**n the same. i can love a guy the same way i can love a girl. i dont like either s*x more or less but the same. that's what being bisexual really is. other wise there just bi-curious or g*y in denial.

  4. Honey, we don't have to explain anything!

    We know what we like and what we prefer, so it doesn't really matter what people beliefs on it are.

    Just because someone will think that I am not attracted to both male and female won't change me!

    I know that I prefer both men and women...and I know it and I believe it.

    That's all what I need to know!

    There are a lot of ignorant people. I prefer not to buy their ways.

    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

  5. people think you have a preference. there is a stigma in the g*y community as well as the straight one about bisexuality. they think you're just confused and eventually you'll work out what you want. others argue that how can one person be attracted to such different anatomies. I don't have a problem with bisexuality and do not judge people for loving both sexes but some argue that bisexuality is just a phase.

    edit: I neglected to mention how it is cool now for girls to kiss other girls and mess around for guys benefits, and the emo boys kissing culture. bisexuality has a reputation as being part of a trend as well as a phase.

  6. When homosexuality was just starting to be accepted I think that all types of sexuality were coming into play.  Now bisexuality seems to be more for popularity instead of feelings of who you love.

    I cannot say for sure that bisexuality does/doesn't exist, but I can say that it is seen more of a fad/choice now more than a sexual orientation.

    EDIT:  I would like to add that I feel terrible for people who may truly be bisexual because now they have to defend themselves from both sides because of media and silly fads.

  7. A lot of people that don't understand something will completely reject it as a possibility, merely because they don't agree with it. I suppose that could be the situation. It also happens a lot in the R&S section.

  8. While in university part of my curriculum was psychology and Core Humanities, both having lectures and assignments concerning Human Sexuality.

    Over several decades studies combined done by top researchers in all parts of the world came to these findings:

    1 out of 10 humans globally are bi/g*y.

    75% of males (can't remember female scores) have had 1 or more same s*x experience in their life (varying ages of individuals experimentation for one reason or another: ages from young boys, tweens, teens, young adults, adults to old men), are straight; most married with children.

    Based on a true/false scale of 15% ratio.

    Also, many conversations and debates with clergy of different cloths (most agreeing) with, and the findings of leading psychiatrists and other medical doctors, researchers and scientist of the Human Development of Mankind, and anthropologists agree upon this:

    A human is born bi/g*y, it is not a choice, illness, disease, birth defect, anyone’s fault (such as parental genes), culture based, promoted by another human or a sin. For that person it is natural and normal.

    Every human has the right to love and be loved no matter what gender they happen to be drawn to

  9. im so tired of biphobia and im so tired of fighting it.

    im so tired of it all ugh....

    i mean today i went human sexuality class and i was so exicted..... but then i found out the teacher was freakin HOMOPHOBIC!


    being a bisexual is so very hard. its a thousand times harder than being g*y or str8.

    last sesmter i had a g*y teacher that was biphobic.

    i used to cry abt it because i feel like everyone hates me for sumthin that is not even  my fault.

    but in not monosexual no matter wat anyone says.

    i could pretend to be g*y to have friends.

    and i have....

    i could pretend to be str8 to have friends.

    and i have.....

    but the truth is im bisexual....even if no one wants anything to do with me.

    even if my heart hurts so much from the rejection of both sides.

    it just gotta accept thats my life now....but i do beleive there is sumone out there for me...hopefully...

  10. It's like that 1-800 Dentist commercial.

    The lady says, "I don't really believe in dentists."

    And the guy says, "Well they're real whether you believe in them or not."

    Exactly the same thing here.

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