
Can anyone tell me why there is blood in my dog's urine?

by  |  earlier

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i had his urineanalysy done.there is no bacteria,no infection of any sort,no stones in the bladder.there were some very little stones in his kidneys,but the doctor said its not big enough to cause the bleeding.

i had his ultrasound and x-ray done too.





  1. Are you sure that the vet checked for cystitis? This is a common bladder infection,one of my dogs had this,There is a slight/too heavy amount of blood in the urine,the dog may seem a bit "under the weather" Or i know this is going to sound silly but are you sure there isn't just a cut by/on his/her privates?? It could be that it keeps getting re-opened,if you know what i mean.And finding another vets a some other people have said might be a wise move. Other wise sorry i have NO clue whats so ever! here is a website that might help(though it might not..):

    Hope this helps & you find a cause for your dogs bleeding.

  2. i agree with malachi ... find another vet, and if that one doesnt find something go to another, theres obviously something going on and they need to keep testing until they find out what it is.

  3. Blood is such a red flag.  Please don't settle with this dr's opinon, get a second dr's point of view.  Small stones can absolutely cause blood and a great deal of lower back and flank pain.  

    In some dogs, there are also genetically predisposed bleeding disorders which can proceed quite rapidly and have terrible results.  My first nephew (please pardon the anthropomorphism if it offends you) was a mut, we think part schnauzer, his mother was a collie.  He had a bleeding disease that could not even be mended with transfusions and massive transfusions of Vitamin K (for clotting.)  My nephew did not survive.  

    A second opinion is crucial.  If you are by an area dense with medical complexes or a major university, they can either see your dog or make a recommendation of a doctor they would trust.

    Heartfelt wishes sent to you both

  4. Find another veterinarian. Something is causing the bleeding and if after all those tests you get no answer, then the vet isn't doing a good job.

  5. my female border collie was peeing blood and when i noticed it i took her in and they said she had a bladder infection and was put on pills for 3 weeks,within the next few days she was straining and clots were coming out so i took her back suspecting stones, as it turned out the ultra sound showed infection but the xray showed a large bladder stone and they did surgery right away removing a huge stone the size of a small boiled egg.she is on a special diet and was on antibiotic for another 2 weeks and i still have to watch that they don't return.kidney stones will cause blood in the pee since they move and bounce around hitting the kidney and irratating them causing the blood to come out with the urine.they are hard to treat and some are only the size of a grain of salt, his prostrate gland could be enlarged also causing this bleeding and if there are females in heat around it can also make him pass blood by getting excited.i would take him back if it continues and have him checked out again, there are drugs to help break up stones when they are small.start giving him cranberry juice mixed in his water or a cranberry pill daily or even pure lemon juice added to his food. it clears out the urinary tract. i have been feeding my bc dog food for the urinary system that helps keep it clear but she is not real fond of it and it can be expensive. i buy it right from the vet and i have also been feeding her small amounts of pre antibiotc yogart to help prevent infections along with the cranberry pill and food. i hope he gets better and they can find out whats going on. the best of luck.

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