
Can anyone tell me why we pay for the BBC.?

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We now don,t need the propaganda the government used to have the BBC for.Its now an outdated waste of a large chunk of working famalies wages.Ther must be some reason why we allow the government to keep this alive.




  1. the licence fee

    or,as the law has it,demanding money with menaces.

  2. Ve have vays of making  you pay tv tax.

    Every good suvject needs ze daily 'education.'

  3. J. Ross

  4. Yes the government tell you either pay or get fined!

    That's the freedom of democracy. choice

  5. It was to fund the service that is why they don't have advertisement,  although now there are phone in's to extract more money from us.

  6. I'm very happy to have a channel my children can watch withoutb them getting sold c**p by company's with no morals.

  7. Becauase I'd rather pay the £200 odd or whatever it is now than have to watch 25 minutes of adverts an hour, with all the programmes imported from America, with nothing quality or original. Hence the BBC channels are the only ones I really watch now.

  8. BBC produced programmes have won more than twice the number of awards than any other programme producer in the world.  Stunning, top class documentaries, hilarious comedies, great kids TV and very much more.  Most people from other countries, both European and American, are jealous of the high quality television produced in the UK, mainly by the BBC.

    You're very quick to put it down, but I bet you're a regular viewer of lots of its programmes.

  9. But think about all the nice anti American B S you get to hear My favourite is that English troops were needed to keep the yanks from killing the American Indian that is priceless

    For that post that said Americans were envious of your BBC that is now on the top spot I don't think we get it state side If so it's channel 200 and something

  10. Can anyone tell me why the person who posted this question did not check out the 786,546 previous Yahoo! Answers threads on this very same subject?

    Oh, of course - because it's not really a question, is it?  Just another inarticulate rant......

  11. for adverts that they are not supposed to show.

  12. If you want product placement, sponsoring and other forms of advertising to determine programme content, then you don't need the BBC. And if you enjoy advertising cutting movies into incomprehensible bits, watch TV in the USA. If you are half-way normal, it'll probably make you puke.

  13. This is goverment channel and they always take money for nothing, and they keep saying they are fighting for freedom in their countries, what a sack

  14. So we can be told how evil we are for being white and having had an empire, and listen to lots of pro-Islam, self-hating anti-British BS courtesy of the middle class Oxbridge educated soap-dodgers at the Brit Bashing Corporation

    And if we don't pay we get fined/imprisoned.

    Still, at least we get "Doctor Who" out of it . . .eh?   Gotta keep the Proles happy somehow . . . a weekly dose of time travelling Scottish bloke in a suit should do the trick . . .

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