
Can anyone tell what is involved in radio-frequency section?

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My son is 13 yrs old and has cardiomyopathy with obstuction and i would like some information from anyone who has experience with this procedure.




  1. my 6 year old son also has cardiomyopathy and has to have a radio frequency resection as he has developed an obstruction from what i have been told it is the same as an ablation where they will go into the main artery in his groin and the use radio frequency to destroy the muscle causing the obstruction but our cardiologist called it a resection as its is on a bigger scale than an ablation the ablation only destroys tiny parts where with the resecion there is more to remove

    All the best to you and your son x

    Take alook at my q and a s about this

  2. Certain individuals with severely weak pumping function of the heart and severe heart failure may need a biventricular pacemaker. It works on the right and left chambers (ventricles) of the heart and keeps them pumping together. In very specific cases, this special pacemaker may also have a defibrillation function, which means it can quickly detect a life-threatening, rapid heartbeat and convert it back to normal.

    Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is use of radiofrequency energy to destroy biological tissue for medical treatment.

    Consult the Pediatric cardiologist.

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