
Can anyone think about a multiverse?

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Can anyone think about a multiverse?




  1. yes.

  2. Could you be a tiny little bit more specific in your question?  I'm not fully sure I know what you're trying to ask.  Can't anyone think about anything?

  3. two or more universes

  4. well.. i guess we live in a UNIverse,

    and this universe has everything... that we (as humans) have ever thought about, did, done and are going to do.

    To think of multi-versions of what we have is preposterous.

    One has a lot to take in to account when thinking about a 'multiverse'

  5. Sure, and quantum mechanics has answered this in many ways. Like the way the multiverse is created of branes. or particle duality, or 11 dimensions. Fun to think about however nearly impossible to explain to someone who is not good with advance forms of calculus.

  6. yes of course !!!!!!!!!

  7. From Kurt Gödel to Everett and the brane theory, several concepts of 'parallel' universes has been exposed. Each have their own origins; mathematical model, philosophical concept and need to unify all forces and particles in the universe.

    The common layman's mistake is to think of multiple universes as many beans in a glass jar where our visible universe is one of them. It is not meant as such by anyone, as far as I know.

    The concept of multiple universes must be seen as an extra dimension where we already are but we cannot 'see' as such.

    The word 'dimension' is also often misused. Since we can move in space's three dimensions, we often think of a mobility in other theoretical dimensions. Hence the idea of time travel. But while it may have a meaning in certain Quantum equations, it is not a reality.

    For example, a philosophical point of view is that if we can observe the universe as we do then there must also be other universes that are all the alternative possible states. Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo in 1815 but ... he could have won. Is there somewhere a universe where that event happened?

    The idea was born with the Quantum principle of uncertainity and departs from the Newtonian principle of the 'law of everything.'

    Until recently, man had the idea that once knowing the law behind everything, the future could be predicted in its least detail. Then came Planck and Quantum that says: not quite so! In the microcosme, there is no way to know both position and time of a particle. The universe is not predictable but  fuzzy.

    But it doesn't mean that we have access of even knowledge of alternative universes. Just like, we can only know our observable universe. Whatever was before the Big Bang will always remain unknown to us because not belonging to our universe. Just like whatever is beyond our universe's horizon; the further point light can reach us from.

  8. yes no  

  9. Yes I can and these universes are seperated by four-dimensional matter just like a cube with one face as our universe and the opposite one as the parallel universe and the other 4 as the universe having no relation with us.

    But the problem here is that the number 4 should be instead number 6 as a universe exists in a four-dimensional space and a four-dimensional object has eight faces.

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