
Can anyone think of a funny situation that ever happened at a restaurant ?

by  |  earlier

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Between the waiter and customer only please. Doesn't have to be funny anyway. Tell about things like ordering food, how the food taste, and paying the bill, etc...




  1. I am a waitress and my boss is really cheap. One time we had this soup it was this red broth with seafood in it. I looked at the soup and it had no seafood in it. So, my boss changed the name of the soup to "Essence of Seafood".

    I approached my table and, of course, they asked me for the soup. I was embarrassed by the soup and told my boss I wasn't going to serve "Essence of Seafood". So I told my table, the soups are Cream of Orange Goo and Essence of Seafood, how about a salad? They insisted on trying the interesting selection of soups I offered. I gave them samples. They helped me come up with other interesting names of the soups to give to my boss, like seafood water with tomato, and orange surprise. My boss changed the soups.

  2. Well one time I went out to eat with my cousins at Denny's just for a quick dinner (we were all hungry and didn't have a whole lot of money on us and also this restaurant was just right there). Well anyways, we had a hispanic server and after he brought us our bill, we asked if he could take our picture. He said sure. And then one of my cousins said that we don't have a Denny's in China, so we wanted to take a photo here. The server was like 'really?' and he actually believed us.

    Another time, I ate at this one expensive restaurant with my boyfriend. I noticed on the menu that you had to pay for water, because it came in a glass. So when our server came over to ask if we wanted anything to drink, I said could we have the free water? And my server said "you mean Irvine's finest?" (This restaurant was in Irvine, Ca.)

    Another time, I went to Cheeescake Factory and the server or the bus boy will usually give a new table of people some bread and butter. But after we had already ordered and was sitting down for about 15 mins. I noticed that we had not received our bread and butter (and we were really hungry just waiting to get a seat, since Cheesecake Factory is always so busy on weekend nights and never take reservations). So when our server walked by us, I asked him "can we have our complementry bread?" He laughed and said "sure I'll get your complementry bread".

    I'm sure there are more stupid restaurant stories, but then this post would never end.

  3. I went out to eat sushi at a new Japanese restaurant.  They only gave me chopsticks with the meal & since I had never used chopsticks I thought I would give them a try.  Well trying to figure them out was a nightmare….I ended up flipping the chopsticks across two tables & luckily no one was sitting there at the time.  After that embarrassing incident, I asked the waitress for a fork.  I felt like a total dork!

  4. I don't know if this counts, but I was working as a line cook in a restaurant when a waiter brought back a guy's dinner to the kitchen.  It seems the customer ordered the prime rib well done and he thought that the piece of meat that the waiter brought him wasn't done enough.  So our lead cook cut the guy another piece off the most well-done prime rib we had.  But the customer sent that piece of meat back to the kitchen as well.  The lead cook got mad and threw that thick slice of prime rib into the deep fryer in the appetizer station.  He left it there for a minute, then pulled it out and put it back on the guy's plate.  The waiter took it out to the guy and when he came back he said that the guy said it was perfect.

  5. once, I told the waiters of a restaurant it was my friend's birthday and all of the crew came to our table to sing.....she was so surprised she spit her drink out on the "head singer" when he started cuz he was SO LOUD! and scared her...

    that was funny.

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