
Can anyone think of a funny syllogism?

by  |  earlier

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We have to turn them into our teacher so it has to be school appropiate... and funny. I can't think of anything funny. =/

Help please? Thanks!




  1. Penguins are black and white,

    Old tv shows are black and white,

    Therefore, penguins are old TV shows.


    AND, if you Google image search "Syllogism Pictures"

    It should show a little penguin on an ice block, saying that.

  2. There are cookies made of water and salt.
    The sea is made of water and salt.
    Soon, the sea is a cookie. xD

  3. Today, workers have no time for anything.
    But unemployed people... have all the time in the world.
    Time is money.
    Therefore, unemployed people have more money than the workers.

  4. I'm a nobody.

    Nobody is perfect.

    I am perfect!

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