
Can anyone think of a good spell for getting more cash tips?

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My dad is a bartender and has been in a rough spot as far as tipping goes. I'm trying to think of a mixture to help him out. He works in a fancy, high-end bar and wears a $2,000 suit to work in, so I don't think body dusting powders or anointing oils (which were my first notion) would be a good idea.

And please don't just answer with 'spells aren't real' or your religious opinions about spellwork, I am not interested. Also, I am not a Wiccan; but more of a hoodoo.




  1. I know Harry Potter can help you out,he knows more about spells then I do. Good luck! You might want to attend Hogwarts also.

  2. continue with the suit may be it could change

  3. A piece of malachite in or near the tip jar. (attracts money)

    Or a little green mojo bag filled with money attracting herbs to place near the tip jar or to be carried in Dad's pocket.

    The bottom line is, our economy is in rough shape this year, so people in general aren't going out and spending money the way they normally would.  We're all feeling the crunch.  We need to continue to pray and work toward improvement for our country as a whole, so that all of us can get back on track as far as earning enough money to survive these days!  

    Blessings to you and your Dad.

    Added...hmmm, in my neck of the woods, the bartenders, both male and female, will tell you that generally the women tip better than the men (for good service that is) - I guess 'cause we better understand the hard work involved and all the jerks a bartender has to put up with, and we are usually more generous.  But I do agree that a woman bartender with cleavage and an upbeat fun personality definitely gets more attention behind the bar as a general rule.

  4. use the secret

  5. not to be mean but unless he grows a pair of b***s, he isn't going to generate the kind of tips that women do.  women don't tip as good as men do and bar tending is a woman's vice.  sorry.  

  6. Well spell casting can take a while to comprehend. It requires alot of meditation and trust from the gods, and of earth, wind, water, and fire.

    Here's a list:

  7. Maybe he should pawn his $2000 suit....just kidding.

  8. Cast a spell that gets your dad a job in a bar with a rich, homosexual client base.

  9. I Got It!

    The Law of Attraction says "like attracts like".

    Have him start out his tip jar with the bills he wants to attract, ie. fives, tens, twenties.  He needs to smile and convey he his happy to be of service. If he only has one tip jar and he can afford to put 3 or 4 fives, etc in the jar that would work better.  

    Please let me know how this works out!

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