
Can anyone think of any jokes about Wimpey homes (the company that lost 1.5 billion in housing mkt this year)?

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Call those jokes? I've heard funnier jokes at a funeral.




  1. I don't know any jokes, but I always thought Wimpey was a pretty rubbish name for any company. 'Hey I live in a Wimpey home'. might as well say, 'Hey I live in a crappy weak home'. Doesn't sound very hardcore does it? I want to say, 'Hey I live in a rock hard home, so come ahead'.

    With a name like Wimpey, you're just asking to have sand kicked in your face.

  2. A few years ago, a friend told me that he went to a Wimpey home's shareholders meeting and it reported good results and recommended good dividends. I though it is a funny name for a housing development company. But it is a top housing developer in UK. This year it lost 1.5 billion due the drop in house prices in the property market.  

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