
Can anyone think of something that was made halal and then made haram again?

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Don't say Mutah.

Is there something else that was originally forbidden, made halal, and then haram again?

The only example I can think of is Mutah, but the Muslims are not agreed on whether it was banned or not.




  1. Nothing in Islam that has been made Halal first has been made Haram the next second or day. Whatever Allah has set halal n haram for muslims has been stayed halal n haram till Qayamat and no man has the authority to change the ruling, unlike someone did of Mut'ah, which even Qur'an proves of.  

  2. alcohol, it used to be halal

    Before alcohol was halal.

    When Ali (ra) and Fatima (ra) were getting married,  Hamza (ra) consumed a lot of alcohol that night, therefor he became drunk and killed all the camels which were for the wedding.

    Ali (ra) was a bit angry towards Hamza (ra). It was after this incident that the ayah which bans alcohol was revealed.

    I dont remember in which surah this ayah was in

  3. I can't think o anything like that, my knowledgeis too limited!

  4. Alchohol was not forbidden from the start, get ur facts straight..... Islam came slowly slowly and thats why muta'h was allowed at first, it was something they already were doing and as Allah wished to be merciful....

    Things had to go on slowly slowly, and when they have learned more and reached a status of higher iman then it continues on and on....

  5. Never thought of it, this just my guess:

    Qibla. The early prophets prayed towards the ka'aba; then qibla was to Jerusalem; then finally qibla was returned to the ka'aba again.

    It was permissible to allow kaffirs to the certian holy sites and then the quran said after the ramadan the surah was revealed to not let them enter anymore.

    Dogs were halal in people's sleeping quarters (eg. the sleepers in the cave), then this was then made haram.

    People were allowed to have numerous wives, then it was limited to 4, but the last Apostle stayed married to 12(?) wives even after the surah was revealed.

  6. No.I dont think there is something like that.

  7. Ok, pls give example when was that Mutah halal?

    Then when & who made it haram?

  8. Here is an original answer and I am surprised that no one has mentioned it yet.  There a couple of things which are actually periodically made haram, then halal, and then haram again and that happens during the month of Ramadan.  Things like eating and drinking halal foods and having legal relations with your spouse are all perfectly halal usually but during the month of Ramadan, they are made Haram when you are fasting.  And then they are made halal again and so on.  In fact, on Eid, it is actually Haram NOT to feast and enjoy oneself as it is said the Satan himself fasts on Eid.

  9. According the Quran. Allah made the camel unlawful for the Jews but Lawful for the Muslims. Alcohol was another thing which was lawful to prophets before e.g. Jesus turning water into wine.

  10. I doubt that there is anything such as this because if there was God wouldn't make it Halal in the first place. God is wise and Al knowing there isn't such a thing in Islam. Thank God:)


  11. how the h**l does that make sense if you think about it? how can something be halal at one point, than its made harram later on? either it was always harram or always halal, why would Allah confuse people like that? Allah would want to make it easy and understanding for everyone! so if Mutah was halal, than it is still halal! and about the alcohol, same thing, i was taught it was always harram to drink it, why would Islam matter about it? this is Allah's rule and was always there, even before Islam

  12. @Extreme..

    Alchohol was and is still halal to use in operations and for wounds etc etc..

    its haram to drink it :)..

    hmmm cant think of anything else..

    Allah never makes mistakes in his decisions .. so what was haram will remain haram and halal will remain halal..

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