
Can anyone think of the right dog breed for me?

by Guest59500  |  earlier

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I would like to buy a dog, puppy is ideal but older too if there's one that needs a home, but I do work full time so the walks would be short on weeknights and longer on weekends. I rent a house with a fenced backyard so there is a place for exercise.

There's also my room mate and her toddler there, and another room mate and frequently kids visiting, so the breed would have to be okay with kids. (One of the reasons I like the idea of a puppy, so I can socalize it into getting used to kids.) And we have got warm weather here... not thick fur either, just so it's not overheated and so we can find ticks easily.




  1. Boston Terriers are not one of my favorite breeds- they are SO hyper! And while they don't shed as much as a Husky for instance, they do shed.

    Actually you should adopt a dog from a shelter or rescue group. And it doesn't have to be a puppy. That way you won't have to worry about all the potty training and the dog growing up with a different temperment that you thought he woould have as a puppy.  Bring your roommates and her kid along to help pick out the dog- you can see that way if he's child friendly. Mixed breed usually have much less physical problems and hangups than purebreeds as well. Saving a rescue dog's life is a great feeling.  And for some reason they always seem to know and are more loving and loyal because of it.

  2. a boston terrier

    they dont shed and are great pets.

  3. Either a Cocker Spaniel or Mini Schnauzer. Great with kids.

  4. Go to   A lot of the rescues have a small bio about the dog.  There are some great family pets that need a new home due to unforeseen circumstances such as divorce, moving, foreclosure, etc.  A lot of them have been raised with kids and other dogs.  Am sure if you look you can find the right dog for your situation and in the process, save a life.

  5. First find out what the dog breed is hard wired to do.

    Terriers were original bred to be rat killers.  When they bite a toy they give is two quick shakes. To snap a rats spine.

    Some dogs are hard wired to be guard dogs. Find out and see what is compatible with you.

    Dogs are social animals they need friends. Personally I would never own just one dog. I would have two to keep each other company.

    Also, dogs like having a job. Something that is required of them.

  6. It all depends upon the size of dogs you are looking for....

    In the larger breeds 60+ lbs = Golden Retriever (needs lots of grooming), Labreador Retriever (less grooming)

    Medium breeds = Wheaton Terrier (needs grooming), Standard Schnauzer (best of the 3 sizes) - needs grooming, Nova Scotia Dock Tolling Retriever, Beagle  (brushing but minimal grooming)

    Small breeds = Shih Tzu, Maltese, Yorkie (all need major grooming) or Boston Terrier, Miniature Pincher (much less grooming)

    You have to realize...if you get them as a pup and socialize them properly, all dogs CAN BE GREAT...

    If unsocialized, ANY BREED can be a hazard to children. Never leave them unatteded!!!!

  7. Maybe you should wait ,Sara.

    If you need that many room mates to get by...  money might be a problem for you ! you may run into vet problems. dogs are cute and so much fun but they are expensive also. Dog food is 40 bucks a month,They have to have shots every year and tags from the city or county and if he bites someone (no matter the breed) and you haven't got home owners insurance you are screwed! Add that to your rent,energy ,food car maintenance and insurance.and you sound young and energetic so you will have hobbies to pay for  and week-end things to what happens to puppy? ONE week-end at a border is 50-80 dollars just so you can have the freedom of being dog free ! but if you still want one a Yorkie is a thousand bucks...but needs no room and more people will be willing to babysit...but then they have some health problems too,so here we go again with money! I don't mean to dissuade you. I love my dogs too. and because of the kind of questions you ask you will be a good owner...I just wanted you to think if now was a good time for you  Would you like to earn some cash being a doggy sitter ? then you could play with them and decide what kind is best for you and play,too!! and everyone with a dog needs a sitter and will pay good money for the right person!! Do you want mine?? I would trust you :) 50 bucks for the week-end and I will bring their beds--food--and their toys :)...see what I mean? You play...we pay :)

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