
Can anyone translate the following Swedish statement please?

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Måndagsklubben på Vampire Lounge heter Superheart. Nya indiehypar, soul, fransk grunge, hiphop, electro, detroitdunka och annat gott när dj DaKes måndagsklubb fortsätter. Kärlek, själ och mycket värme.




  1. sorry, don't know swedish, but i'm sure if you would ask that question in Travel-Sweden, there would be alot more help than in Travel-Switzerland!!!!

    Those are two different countries, you know!

  2. ohmygosh. ya if i spoke or knew how to read swedish. sure. but i don't.

  3. no way sorry dude

  4. check google translate

  5. Systran said this:

    MÃ¥ndagsklubben on Vampire Lounge is called Superheart. New indiehypar, soul, French grunge, hiphop, electro, detroitdunka and other sweet when DJ DaKes Monday club continues. Eroticism, soul and a lot of heat.

  6. MÃ¥ndagsklubben means Monday Club

    detroitdunkar: detroit rhythm/rimble

    And most importantly

    Kärlek means love, not eroticism

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