
Can anyone translate these Os Mutantes lyrics for me?

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I haven't been able to find a legit translation. The song is Rita Lee by Os Mutantes. Thank you!

Rita Lee foi passear

Vinte anos namorar talvez

Dia azul e ela é infeliz

Suas mãos estão vazias

Por que estão tão frias

Tanto amor pra dar

Ela quer ser feliz

Ela só quer seu par

Rita Lee foi passear

Rita Lee vai encontra o amor

Rita Lee está a pensar

Sonha um dia encontrar as mãos

Que com as suas virão conversar

Mas serão mãos vazias

E irão ser frias

Com amor pra dar

Que queiram ser feliz

Que queiram ser seu par

Rita Lee está a girar

Véu, arroz, igreja a rodar

Dia azul como é bonito amar

Suas mãos não estão vazias

Nem serão mais frias

Corpo amor pra amar

Ela já é feliz

Ela encontrou seu par




  1. The translation of lyrics it is not easy, because we have the poetic part of the words, but see:

    Rita Lee foi passear

    Rita Lee went walking

    Vinte anos namorar talvez

    Twenty years of dating, maybe

    Dia azul e ela é infeliz

    Blue day and she is unhappy

    Suas mãos estão vazias

    Her hands were empty

    Por que estão tão frias

    Why they (the hands) are so cold?

    Tanto amor pra dar

    Much love to give

    Ela quer ser feliz

    She wants to be happy

    Ela só quer seu par    

    She only wants a boyfriend

    Rita Lee foi passear

    Rita Lee went walking

    Rita Lee vai encontrar o amor

    Rita Lee is going to find the love

    Rita Lee está a pensar

    Rita Lee is thinking

    Sonha um dia encontrar as mãos

    Her dream is to find the her hands

    Que com as suas virão conversar

    Talking with his hands

    Mas serão mãos vazias

    But it will be empty hands

    E irão ser frias

    and it will be cold hands

    Com amor pra dar

    With love to give

    Que queiram ser feliz

    To anyone who want to be happy

    Que queiram ser seu par

    To anyone who wants to be her boyfriend

    Rita Lee está a girar

    Rita Lee is dizzy

    Véu, arroz, igreja a rodar

    Veil, rice, church dizzy

    Dia azul como é bonito amar

    Blue day, it is beautifull to love

    Suas mãos não estão vazias

    Her hands no more are empty

    Nem serão mais frias

    Neither cold

    Corpo amor pra amar

    Body, love to love

    Ela já é feliz

    She is already happy

    Ela encontrou seu par

    She found her boyfriend

    This lyrics is about the girl named Rita Lee. She was finding a boyfrind. The lyric begins when she was alone and after she found the boy friend and she married (Véu, arroz, igreja a rodar: this phrase means that she was getting marriage).

    Rita Lee was a component of the band named Mutantes

  2. Rita Lee was to take a walk

    Twenty years to date, perhaps

    Blue day and she is unhappy

    Her hands are empty

    Why they are so cold

    So much love to give

    She wants to be happy

    She only wants your pair

    Rita Lee went for a walk

    Rita Lee will find the love

    Rita Lee is thinking

    She dreams one day to find the hands

    That, with yours, will come to talk

    But they will be empty hands

    And they will  be cold

    With love to give

    That they want to be happy

    That they want to be your pair

    Rita Lee will turn

    Veil, rice, church to twirl

    Blue day how beautiful it is to love

    Her hands are not empty

    Nor they will be cold

    Body love to love

    She already is happy

    She found her pair

  3. I'm brazilian and i will help you!


    Rita Lee was walking

    Twenty years dating perhaps

    Day blue and it is unfortunate

    His hands are empty

    Why are so cold

    A lot love for give

    She wants to be happy

    She only wants your match

    Rita Lee was walking

    Rita Lee will find the love

    Rita Lee is thinking

    Dream one day find their hands

    What will come with their talk

    But hands are empty

    And will be cold

    With love to pra

    What want to be happy

    What want to be your match

    Rita Lee is spinning

    Veil, rice, a church run

    Day blue as it is beautiful love

    His hands are not empty

    Neither will be cooler

    A lot love for give

    She is already happy

    She met your match

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