
Can anyone translate this Italian email to me?

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I had my first Italian class today and i got really pissed off that the teacher was speaking straight italian the entire time. the worst part is that the classroom has changed to another building and i dont know what she meant. can anyone translate this to me?

Cari Studenti,

la lezione di Italiano, domani 26 agosto 2008, sarà in Armory 433 ore 13.

Vi ricordo di:

1) acquistare il libro di testo 'Avanti'

2) aprire l'account su QUIA con il vostro NET-ID

3) familiarizzare con Compass




  1. With a little help from Google:

    Dear Students,

    Tomorrow's Italian lesson, August 26, 2008, will be at 1 pm in Armory 433.

    Let me remind you:

    1) buy the textbook 'Avanti'

    2) open the account on QUIA with your NET-ID

    3) familiarize yourself with Compass

  2. Beloveds Students, the lesson of Italian, tomorrow 26 August 2008, will be in Armory 433 hours 13. You memory of: 1) to acquire the text book ' Avanti' 2) to open l' account on QUIA with your NET-ID 3) to familiarize with Compass

  3. Dear Students,

    Tomorrow's class, that is on August 26th 2008, will be held in Armory 433 at 1pm (13:00).

    I remind you to:

    1) buy the textbook ''Avanti''

    2) activate your account on QUIA using your NET-ID

    3) get yourself familiar (familiarize yourself) with Compass

    But the fact that your professor started speaking Italian straight away is actually a good thing, that's how you learn. And she won't expect you to understand everything at first, no worries.

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