
Can anyone translate this for me? its in spanish?

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  1. *NUEVO RÉCORD GUINNESS* (ejercicio)

    De toques al balón con la cabeza

    1. ¿Quién ha ganado un nuevo Récord Ginness?

    2. ¿Por qué le han dado ese premio?

    3. ¿Es la primera vez que ha ganado ese premio?

    4. ¿En cuántos toques de balón ha superado el récord de 2004?

    5. Busca información sobre los Récord Guinness y comenta con tus compañeros algunos de los más recientes.

    New Record Guiness (excersise)

    Touching the ball with Your head/ball stokes in the head

    1. Who has won the new record Guiness?

    2. Why did he/she received this award?

    3. Is this the first time he/she has won this award?

    4. for how many ball stokes on the head did he win the record 2004?

    5. Look for information on records Guiness and comment about the most recent ones to your classmates?

  2. 1. Who has won a new record Ginness?

    2. Why have given this prize?

    3. Is this the first time he has won this prize?

    4. How many touches of the ball has surpassed the record of 2004?

    5. Find information on the Guinness Record with your peers and says some of the most recent.

  3. *NEW GUINNESS (WORLD) RÉCORD* (exercise)

    How many times can you bounce the ball off your forehead?

    1. Who made a new Guinness (World) Record?

    2. How did they get that award?

    3. Is it the first time they won that award?

    4. By how many forehead bounces did they surpass the 2004 record?

    5. Look for information on Guinness (World) Records and discuss some of the most recent ones with your classmates.

  4. It's pretty much asking about a Guinness world record for number of times a soccer player headed the ball.

    1. Who has won the new record?

    2. Why have they given him the prize?

    3. Is this the first time he was gotten this prize?

    4. How many touches of the ball has this record surpassed the one from 2004?

    5. Look for information and talk with your friends about some recent awards.

  5. Piece of cake, buddy. See below:

    New Guiness record (exercise)

    To handle the ball with head

    1. Who won the new Guiness record?

    2. Why they gave him that prize?

    3. Is it the first time that he won?

    4. How many touchs on ball surpassed the 2004 record?

    5. Search for information on Guiness records and comment with your friends on recent ones.

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