
Can anyone translate this into Italian "Yes, I am back, you name the time, date, and venue and I'll be there"

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Some please help me, this is for a cute italian girl who wants to go out for coffee. Thanks.




  1. Si, sono tornato, dimmi l'ora, la data ed il luogo e sarò lì ad aspettarti...

  2. si sono tornato, dimmi  quale giorno e a che ora e dove ci possiamo vedere e io saro' li' ad aspettarti.

    p.s. i am italian and i live in london bye bye and good luck

  3. Yes = si

    i am back = "sono tornato"

    you name the time = "dimmi l'ora"

    date = "la data"

    and venue =  "e il luogo"

    and I'll be there = "e sarò li"

    Good luck!!!

  4. Si, dura tété.

    this is a nice short way of putting it. she'll be all over you. you wouldn't know what had hit you.

    its pronounced dura tété(tet tay)

  5. Sì, sono indietro. Chiamate il tempo, data e la sede della riunione ed io saranno là

  6. Lara's answer is good enough very proper, I live in a small town in Italy and the dialect is different.  If you know what town she is from and the dialect, (every town has one) you could, I don't want to say impress, but let her know that you are interested enough to want to learn her dialect.

  7. "sì, sono tornato, dimmi l'ora,la data e il luogo e io sarò lì "

    I'm Italian...babelfish is stupid, cannot translate very well...

  8. ok but if the girl is Italian how are you going to be able to talk to her??

  9. Hi! I'm Laura form Italy.. The other that have wrote to you gave a wrong translation!!! The right is:

    "Si, sono tornato, dimmi l'ora e il luogo e sarò lì!"

    Bye! :-)

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