
Can anyone try to inspire me to acheive good grades????

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Can anyone try to inspire me to acheive good grades????




  1. Get good grades or fail and amount to nothing...

    and "live in a van down by the river"

    ...That do it for you?...*L*

  2. If you get bad grades, you won't get into college. You'll be a high school graduate, or drop out if you don't make it that far, and the best job you'll be able to get will be flipping burgers at your local McDonalds. You won't be able to pay your rent, your bills, afford clothes or food. Your life will be in shambles. But if you put your self to work and actually try in school, and get good grades, you at least have some hope have doing something meangingful and finding success in your life.

  3. You will get a better job, Better job equals money! more money mean you can buy a bigger house and get nicer things like huge tv's

  4. Good grades may be considered as a sign of good learning and of having learned. We may need these scores/grades at some point later in life to prove to someone that we are smart enough, but we will probably be the only ones who will ever see them and grade ourselves, perhaps over and over again.  After the school years are over, we all then go out to the world with what let's say, is the intellectual fat we have accumulated up till then. This may be all we have to use for the rest of our life, unless we leave school with the desire to learn. Remember, when we are young we may have to fight with our fists. As we grow older we then have to fight with our brains. The same brain where we have just stored all of our intellectual fat. And it just gets tougher. But it can be done, history is filled with smart people.

  5. if you dont get good grades...remember this...

    ever seen a hobo sitting down on the floor, in tattered clothes, looking depressed? youll end up as one of those tramps that have no lives and no money and no friends.

  6. Everybody says "get good grades, or you won't get a good job", but really, the motivation has to come from you. Grades don't mean anything if you don't put them to good use. You could graduate from Harvard, but if you don't do anything with your life, what's the point? All I can say is, by High School, things start to get pretty competitive, and the one way to beat the competition is to get good grades. Once you get one good grade, you will be really happy and this may lead to more in the future. It's a long journey, but well worth it, and it will pay off.

  7. get good grades or be a failure.  that simple.

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