
Can anyone type out all the words in a complete sentence in this forum?

by  |  earlier

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I read a lot of questions in this forum and it seems like I am reading a text message. Does anyone ever type out whole words and in complete and somewhat proper sentences? I am not an English teacher but there are some questions that a so poorly written, I cannot even read them.

Anyone agree with me?




  1. Yes! I do indeed agree with you.

  2. Yes, I do indeed agree with you!

  3. Yes. I agree with you.

  4. Yes ,I do agree with you

  5. That's very true. It's really very annoying. I mean, there is the IM option on here! Why can't people just write in complete legible sentences?

  6. i agree

  7. It would appear that most of the community cannot be bothered to check spelling or express their thoughts in complete sentences.  I'd say that it's the failure of public schooling, but a teacher friend of mine says that her students (in English class) will use the letter u rather than spell out you . . . etc. on essays all the time.  Luckily she's the teacher and can fail them for it (and does).  There really is no excuse.

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