
Can anyone understand my past life if I explain it. Can anyone relate to mine?

by Guest62463  |  earlier

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I was a priestess but to be more specific the Priestess of the moon. I was suppost to be protected my a group of people from another group of people that wanted me to preform the same ritual. But in the process I fell in love with my protector. In the end we both died, acctually alot of us died but we were reborn here. I met them and 2 of them remember not fully but they do recall. I know I found most of them but even my main defender his name was Aubry doesnt remember can anyone relate to this and feel simaler to how I feel about it?

I know it sounds like a story but that is the only way I can explain it because I am turning it in to a 4 part story.




  1. You were genetic material (a sperm and an egg) up to 70 days before conception. That is your pre life. Get some help, seriously.

  2. Sorry I cant relate but best of luck to you. I guess the only thing I can really say to help its look deep inside yourself the that is where the true answers are to all your questions.

  3. how did you find out about your past life... AND find the other people?

  4. Everybody's past life is a priestess, king, queen, or bohemian.  Did you ever stop to wonder why there aren't bunch of people running around who claim to have been garbagemen, p**p shovelers, serfs, and slaves in past lives?

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