
Can anyone use these words in a sentence??

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Ok i need help. I need to better understand these words.

So i was wondering if anyone could use these words in

a sentence, not the same sentence though. Thank you MUCHO!!!

marred [[not married]]










Again thank you sooo much for the help.




  1. is a great site that offers meanings, sounds AND examples of each word in a sentence. Here are my examples:

    Marred (damaged or ruined):

    His bad attitude marred the whole weekend.

    Indolence (laziness):

    His indolence stopped him from going farther in his job.

    Acquiesce (to give in):

    He didn't want to give in to the bank robbers demands, but in the end he decided to acquiesce so that no one got hurt.

    Stoic (stationary, refusing to change):

    The man's face was very stoic; he refused to show any emotion at the funeral.

    The company's stoic stance on their policy's made it hard to get away with anything at work.

    Hedonistic (devoting yourself to life's pleasures):

    Roman emperors were known for their very hedonistic lifestyles, such as being fanned by women, taking mud baths and eating lavish meals and fatty foods all day.

    Hackneyed (overused; badly analyzed or taken apart):

    His hackneyed version of Shakespere's Romeo and Juliet was appalling!

    The same old hackneyed stereotypes are being used against them again.

    Trepidation (major anxiety; nervousness; caution out of fear):

    She felt a lot of trepidation in the days leading up to her big solo performance.

    He approached the dark basement with trepidation.

    Bastion (strength; solidarity; the last resort; something/someone you can turn to):

    The Army is the last bastion of defense.

    The Presidency is supposed to be a bastion of truth and honesty.

    (sarcastically, to someone who's being a jerk) Well aren't you a bastion of sunshine today?

    Torpor (lethargy; indifference; apathy):

    After that huge Thanksgiving dinner, we retreated to the couch and entered a pleasant torpor.

    The events of 9/11 woke me from my torpor of what was going on in the world.

    Prudent (being rational, using caution, practical and necessary):

    It was prudent that we make the church on time.

    I was prudent with my money all these years because I've been saving for a house.

  2. umm....lets c....

    "Please be prudent about your accomplishments"

    idk i think dat would work =P

  3. The race was marred by the behaviour of the runner who came in third, and petulantly threw to the ground the bronze medal he was awarded.

    That boy's chief characteristic is indolence; he is the laziest person I've ever attempted to coach.

    I didn't want to acquiesce to their demands, but I was too frightened to refuse.

    He was extremely stoic and didn't even flinch as they stitched up the gash in his forehead.

    I don't think they realize how much their hedonistic life style worries family and friends. They do nothing but party, party, party.

    He brought her home at three in the morning and trotted out the hackneyed excuse that he'd run out of gas.

    She approached her first day of teaching with trepidation ... how on earth would she keep twenty-odd five-year-olds busy, interested and quiet?

    The National Club was a bastion of conservatism and Old Boys networking.

    The incredible heat and humidity of the greenhouse filled him with torpor and it took the entire morning to complete the tasks he'd set for himself.

    Yes, you're earning a good salary in your new job but it would be prudent to set something aside for a rainy day.


  4. Any chance for further passion was marred when, upon wiping the steam from the car windows, they noticed a policeman with a torch approaching the spot where they were parked.

    Jimmy's indolence was really annoying to his parents; keeping his room reasonably tidy wasn't too much to ask now, was it?

    Give that a gun was pointed at this head, he had no choice but to acquiesce to the thief's request to hand over his wallet.

    The death of his war buddy should have made him feel something but he'd always been a stoic.

    Many early Roman emperors were hedonistic, indulging themselves in orgies of food and flesh.

    "Time heals all wounds" is a hackneyed phrase, a phrase so old and tired that it needs a botox injection.

    It was with no small measure of trepidation that he took up the dare to spend the night in the haunted house on Bloodroot Avenue.

    Grimdore's castle was a bastion of defendability; the enemy would have no small measure of trouble trying to breach its walls.

    Upon eating the magic apple he slipped into a deep torpor as the world slowly faded from around him.

    If you're going to go out and have a few drinks with friends, it would be prudent of everyone to leave their cars at home and share a cab.

  5. With trepidation, I asked my English teacher if she would acquiesce to my early departure from class.  With her usual stoic manner, she replied that it would not be prudent, as my reputation, which already had me as a hedonistic, self-serving slacker, would be further marred, and I would be forever seen as the picture of torpor and indolence.  I informed her that although I may not be the bastion of hard work, at least I could come up with an original thought, and not her cliched, hackneyed drivel.

    I failed that class.

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