
Can anyone wait to go bak to school?:)?

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hiya ppl!:) i can't wait to go back to school! llol can u lot? scribble bak:Dxx




  1. prat of me wants to because to see my friends and defffintely my cursh prat of me does not because i want more summer but im glad im in 8th grade


  2. I CANT WAIT!!!!

  3. I'm kind of excited because I'm going into high school, but I also wanna have more summer. =(

    but high school should be fun!

  4. Cant wait

  5. i want to. but i go on vacation on Sunday so after that.;...

  6. i want to so i can be queen bee again and so every guy can like me :)

  7. im kind of looking forward to spending more time with my friends and having more classes with them but at the same time i like being able to hang out with them during the summer. i havent had a lot of time to do this since i got a job this summer and work a lot. and when im not working im pretty tired. i just wish i had more time to spend with my friends outside of school.

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