
Can anyone who speaks German help me with this?

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I just got a message from a friend who just moved to Germany. and for some reason she wrote it in German so I can't read it... can anyone help?

here it is...

he Mädchen will ich gerade schade sagen, wenn ich grob oder zu Ihnen in irgendwelchem niedrig war

auf Weise letztes Mal ich Sie sah! Ich meinte es nicht ich war gerade schlecht gelaunt und hatte einen guten Tag Es tut mir leid, dass nicht..




  1. This message does not make sense. And... perhaps there are many german words in this text, but I'll never call it "German".

  2. It's german but gibberish. I'll try :

    "Hey girl, I just want to say I'm sorry [or: bummer] if was rude to you or treated you lowly the last time I saw you.

    I didn't mean it: I was in a bad mood and had good day*

    I'm sorry that I didn't..."

    *sic: it makes no sense, but that's what the text says

    It sounds like it was translated into german by babelfish or a similar program

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