
Can anyone with PCO help!

by  |  earlier

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I went to my doctor today and he said he pretty sure I have PCO and that I am not ovulating. I am currently on day 49 of my cycle. I have spaces of 2 and 3 months i between cycles. He wants me to wait until November when I will have been TTC for 1 Year. Then he wants to start me on Clomid. Until then I can keep charting and trying. Can anyone with this please give advice. Did you concieve with clomid? Are there anything I can do to increase my fertility? When do I try? I am soooo down about this please respond!




  1. many women with PCOS conceive with Clomid so  you're gonna be ok :) just not sure why the doctor wants you to wait if you're already any case you can find many women going through this with PCOS and also some who have become pregnant, and you can ask doctors for free as well, try

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi There,

    Please dont be disheartened, I knew from 18 I had PCOS, and once we made the decision to start a family (after all the tests) we were put onto Clomid. After 1 month on Clomid I got pregnant - am now 15 weeks gone! I didnt have periods at all so was put onto Metformin to regulate my cycle, I think the best thing for you is to have the tests to confirm you are (various blood and v intrusive scans, worth it now tho) and then ask your doc for something to regulate your cycle. All in all we waited for 18 months before I got pregnant I was amazed we got caufht first time but it can happen. Good luck - I hope all works out for you, try and stay positive - please contact me if you want to chat or ask anything


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