1. Fantail with stripes(10,6)
2. Buzz buzz buzz(5,2,3,7)
3. Rudeness(3,7)
4. Popaver rhoeas(3,5,6)
5. Top hotel(4,4)
6. Company directors(8,2,3,5)
7. Village people(2,4)
8. A metal organ of vision should bridge this gap(8,4)
9. Sardines(5,3)
10. A safe stand to take(6,2,3,4)
11. Underground soldiers(7,4)
12. Amoeba!(4,4)
13. Diets?(13)
14. Jack, queen, king of clubs(1,2,1,4)
The numbers are the amount of letters in each word
Thanks for any help