
Can anyonee help with eyeliner?

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ive been trying to perfect eyeliner for awhile now.

and i really want that emo look; (not trying to be poser, honestly, i just want my eyes to look like that ;D)

and i cant figure out how to do it.

PLEASE. help?




  1. well get a brand of eyeliner that stays on your eyes good.

    I know for me certain ones wont stay on long, but they work good on other people.


    the way i usually do my eyeliner is to put it on the inside crease on my bottom AND top lid. then on the top lid i put a slanted line starting thick on the side on my eye closer to my ears and it gets thinner as it goes in and stops right about where my pupil is.

    but you could always just cake it on if you like.

  2. Though emo makeup mostly includes a LOT of black eyeliner, you can also try a brown + black combination.

    Here's what I would do:

    -First buy a dark brown eye shadow. MAC has a good one called "Mystery" that has no shimmer or anything like that in it, just totally matte. Apply it to your eyelid from your upper lash line to the crease, but softly blending up to the eyebrow as not to create a harsh line where the eye shadow ends.

    -Next, use a black eye liner pencil. MAC has a number of eye liners-- some smoother than others. I would go to the store and ask for whatever you're looking for and they'll give you the right one. Apply the black eyeliner to the INNER RIMS of your upper lash line. This is tricky to do at first and feels strange, but it looks great. Put your finger over the crease of your eyelid and pull it up towards your eyebrow so that the inner rims of your upper lash line are exposed. Line them with your eye liner pencil.

    -Now, take your eye liner pencil and line your upper lash line. This can be made easier by starting from the inside corner (where your first eyelash is found) and going to the centre by doing short dashes. Then, do the same from the outside corner into the middle.

    -Using a Q-tip, blend the line you just created. The dark brown eye shadow should now blend in well with the black eyeliner.

    -Now, dip a Q tip or precise eye liner brush in the dark brown eye shadow. Put the eye shadow under your lower eye lashes from the outside of your eye inward. Blend blend blend for a smokey look.

    -Apply the black eye liner to the inner rims of your lower lash line.

    -Apply a VERY thin line underneath your lash line. Blend lightly with a Q-tip so that it, like the line you created on your upper lash line, blends with the brown eye shadow.

    You should now have an emo eye look that looks great.

    Hope I helped; kind of hard to explain haha but hopefully you can use some of those tips!

  3. Well, buy some eyeliner and use it til it's done, haha.

    In other words, use a lot. Line your top eyelids, and bottom. It's not that hard. Then some mascara.

    Good Luck.


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