
Can anything be done to reduce noise when triple pane glass is already on the windows ?

by Guest34179  |  earlier

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I live in Queens NY right by a subway and have a 12 week old. we have 3 rooms that face outward and the subway is to the left of the building. We also have bus stop right below us. The noise is too intense to open the windows and the subway emits a loud squel for the break that has to be atleast 90 or so decibles. The buses are also added noise. My landlord put triple pane glass but even with that in place the noise level is still outrageously loud.

So I'm wondering can anything else be done to reduce the noise. I don't mean an white noise machine. I have a nice apt and we hate to move but it's to loud for our baby.

Any info. Thanks




  1. You could put up heavy drapes, this would help dampen the high pitched noise. Low efrequecy noise is much harder to stop. Insulated walls, double walls etc could help, but as your a renter I think your out of options save for moving.


  2. The only thing you can do is move. By the way, New York sounds like the worst place to raise a child. New York is a scary place (been there). Why bring a child into this world, and raise it at ground zero? Why not give birth and put the kid up for adoption with an Afghanistan only clause?

  3. Heavy curtains with multiple layers will muffle more sound. Big over-stuffed furniture and thick carpet and throw rugs will also absorb sound. Can the walls have insulation added? Even just one interior room so the baby can sleep there?

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