
Can apartment manger do that?

by  |  earlier

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I'm currently having an issue with my apartment manger. My parents makes their montly payment and a regular basic, and if it's late we make all the late charges too. But today i recieved a letter saying that we owe him 1250 dollars. He doesn't even state what the charge is for. The apartment are not even in living orders. Theres an cockroaches investations, outlets are broken or cracked, dishwasher don't work and semi-working oven and stovetop. The only fix ups we recieved was from our OWN ELETRIC COMPANY, PG&E!!, which replaced some of the cracked oulets and gave us a new refrigerator. The manager hardly take care of the apartments. Is there a way to take this up with the City i live in, and does he have a right to charge us, THAT MUCH (1250), for an unknown charge?




  1. what does the letter state exactly?  ask him what the heck is the $1,250 charge for?  tell him you're not a bank and he cannot just simply stick a letter to you and demand money.  ask him who the heck he think he is?  a loan shark?  stop the harassment or you will call the police on him.

  2. you need to have your parents talk to the apartment manager about the costs.

    and if it isn't right.. they need to go to a lawyer and look over their lease cause there might be hidden costs and such in a lease.

    the best thing to do is to go to a lawyer.

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