
Can applecider vinegar be used to make biodiesel fuel, if mixed with vege oil??

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Can applecider vinegar be used to make biodiesel fuel, if mixed with vege oil??




  1. Applecider would cause the engine to stall, and probably rust the injector pump.

    Use methanol and lye.  Also known as gas line antifreeze and drain cleaner, either KOH or NaOH.  You can buy both at the hardware store.

    This is a great step by step guide to make your first liter of biodiesel.  It is known as the "Dr. Pepper" method

    Good luck being green!  If you get a '77-'85 Mercedes 300d, you don't need to make biodiesel.  Just add the veggie oil filtered to 10 microns. :)

  2. No -you don't want any water in here!!!

  3. No, but you can make salad dressing if you add a few spices...

  4. Apple cider vinegar  cannot be used. Remember to make bio diesel we carry out a chemical reaction called transesterification for that the usually used compounds are methanol and NAOH or KOH. Details about what all can be used to make bio diesel can be found on i would also recommend the first one is simpler and they have extensive coverage of alternates to vegetable oil also

  5. no

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