
Can asians tell the difference between other asians?

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could someone from korea tell if another asian was chinese or japanese? can asians tell themselves appart just on looks alone?

could americans tell the difference between us and canadians on looks alone? No.

So why do japanese people get pissed off when you call them chinese?




  1. i asked a question like this once lol and i gott alot of c**p . haha.

    but yeah my asian friends can tell the difference i think its the eyes...

    if like you know the presons name and stuff they can tell by the last name  

  2. You can tell the different by the eyes. .. chinese people have really small eyes lol  

  3. lol i love answers, filled with funny funny questions =)

    i totally agree though

  4. Good question - I often wondered the same thing!

  5. because everyone thinks that if osmeones asian then theyre immediately chinese and that pisses them off

  6. I'm asian and sometimes I can tell them apart!!!

  7. We actually can tell most of them time. I'm Asian. If not, we can tell by last name. We look different..but to you non-asians, you guys see us as looking the same.

  8. Not every asian person can tell which other asian person is part of their specific group (Chinese, Japanese, Korean for examples)

    I have been mistaken a lot when I was a kid up to now for looking Chinese even though I am Pilipino. No person likes to be called another ethnic group. I certainly do not like somebody asking me "Are you Chinese? Are you Pilipino."  Whomever asks  me what ethnicity I am has NOTHING to do with them. It is not like they are going to want to hang out with me and eat together. It is not like I am going to be friends with them. Asking  somebody what their ethnicity is pointless.

    I hope that this helps and take care.  

  9. Yes, you idiot.

  10. All my Asian friends know how to tell, I could care less though really haha.

  11. Yes, I am Asian and can tell most Asians apart.

    In time you'll just pick up on certain looks/features more dominant in another Asian country's population.

    Or you can discern them from their language.

  12. Yes, Asians can tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese and Korean.  Want to get a Japanese really ticked at you?  Call him a CHOSÉN...Korean.   When I was stationed in Japan in the early 70s you could insult a Japanese by calling him/her an Okinawan (which is one of the Japanese islands, to the south).  

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