
Can aspiren kill you if you take 3 800 mg pills i took 4 yesterday and 3 today

by  |  earlier

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it was not hust 2 days and i have high blood pressure at high risk for diabetes i got it from my mom




  1. Long term over use of aspirin can lead to liver damage. Your two day use will not hurt you.

  2. No it won't kill you but it will s***w up your body so that you potentially might end up with a chronic health problem. If you are in pain--including emotional pain--you should see a doctor, not play games with pharmaceuticals or chemicals or do things that taken far enough, could kill you whether your intention is to self-medicate, get attention in a dramatic way, or actually cause self-harm.

  3. Maybe you should have asked this before you took them?  Well I think your going to be the one with the answer...

  4. are you sure that number is right?

    I don't think they even make aspirin in that dosage

    800 mg would be huge even for ibuprofin

    if you took them spread apart it would be just fine

    if you took 2400mg of aspirin all at once I hope you don't have any blood problems lol...

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