
Can astigmatism get worst?

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I have severe astigmatism on my left eye. I have not been wearing glasses for nearly 6 months. Because I didn't wear my glasses for a long time will my astigmatism get worst? If I don't wear it for 3-4 more years will it then get worst? Also if I wear glasses everyday for a long period of time will my astigmatism improve or will it stay the same?




  1. My ophthalmologist always comments on the fact that my degree of astigmatism hasn't changed....suggesting that it is possible to change.  I know my aunt had a change in hers...after her pregnancy...pregnancy changes LOTS of things!!

  2. It might become worst. How old u r? if u r over 21years old, the change wouldn't be so great. wear contacts can sumhow control the degree

  3. No, No and Maybe Yes or No in answer to your three questions respectively.

    The glasses bend light rays so that by the time they get to the back of the eye they are in focus.  Astigmatism is one way that our eyes can be out of focus.  Some reasons that a focusing error occurs can be due to the size of the eye, the position of various focusing parts within the eye and the shape of the surfaces that the light rays hit while traveling through the eye.  These things may change over time as you and certain parts of your eyes change their shape or size, but your wearing or not wearing glasses will do nothing to alter the course of history.

    Keep in mind that there is a minority opinion within the eye care community that thinks some parts of the eyeglass prescription can change by wearing certain spectacle lenses.  I don't think that changing astigmatism is something they try to do.

  4. Your astigmatism will change regardless of whether you wear your glasses or not.  Its not the glasses that cause the vision to change; its genetics for the most part.  Wearing the glasses would cut down on eyestrain, squinting, headaches, and such...but your eyes will change regardless.  

    Likewise, wearing glasses does not correct the problem.  All the lenses to is bend the light so you can see.  Glasses don't *cure* the problem; they simply help you see in spite of the problem (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, whatever the case may be)  The only way to truely correct the problem is to have some type of refractive surgery and in some cases that isn't even 100% guarenteed.

    So your eyes are going to change anyway; if I were you, I'd just wear the glasses and save myself the headaches.

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