
Can atheists appreciate Christians and be friends with them?

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OK - After my first day's experience I decided to change my strategy a bit.

I will rather try and make friends with you and listen to your things. You all made me laugh with the flying Spaghetti monster thing, so that was a good ice breaker.

Can I now ask if some of you have Christian friends and do you appreciate and love us Christians as well, or is there a general feeling of distrust towards us?




  1. if you had read the terms of service, you would know that Insight has said nothing which can be reported.  by doing so, YOU loose credibility.

    I agree with Colette.  you sound like you're 12 at the most, throwing a hissy because you can't get your own way.  

    anyone can block anyone else for any reason.  no reason require.  

    BTW, my sister has a Master's Degree in Divinity.  I love her as she loves me even though I'm a pagan.  if I want a reasoned & clear answer about christianity, I go to her.  she respects my choice & I respect hers.

  2. I have Christian friends but they are friends because they do not try and stuff their misguided opinions down my throat.

    Religious belief is like masturbation. It's Ok if you do it in the privacy of your own house.

    Christians really should come to the realization that they don't have to convert everyone.

    Just like when I get an unsolicited phone call to sell me something I cut the person short and tell them if I want to buy roof guttering or whatever I'm perfectly capable of looking up the Yellow Pages and make a call myself when the time is right and then terminate the call

  3. I do have Christian friends and appreciate them and their beliefs.

    I found the Flying Spaghetti Monster rather amusing, and a bit mean.

    I don't have a general feeling of distrust towards anyone I don't know.

  4. I have many friends that happen to be christians. We are not friends because of the fact, but in spite of it.

  5. My best friend is a devout Christian. We just avoid the topic of religion.

  6. After reading most of the answers you recieved from athiests, I think it is abundantly clear that the only thing that compares to thier level of stupidity is thier ability to be azzholes.

    I have no problem with people who have studied scripture, physics and or quantum physics, neuro science and are still unable to believe in an infinite being,GOD. After all, we are only mortal, with mortal minds, it can be difficult to grasp. IT'S DUCK HEADS I DON'T LIKE.

  7. Do you not recognise that Christians are provoking retaliation and repudiation for their terrible attitudes?!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped their intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted postings things might change!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more things might change!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped being the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting g**s, pro choice and so much more things might change!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped demanding freedom of religion whilst they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them things might change!! !!!

    If Christians rediscovered the god of love and forgiveness and put aside all those terrible human emotions things would definitely change!!!!

  8. Appreciating is a good virtue & a little hard to acquire. A good person (an Atheist, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist) can make friendship with any good person. Theism or Atheism is not any ingredient of 'friendship-recipe'.

  9. Depends on the attitude of that particular Christian.

    I generally dislike fundamentalist Christians.

  10. No, I blocked you within minutes of noticing your answers.

    We can never be friends because you are evil.

  11. Yes I can as long as we can respect each others right to believe in what we want.

  12. I have come to the conclusion that you are either seven years old, a troll, or the single most naive, least worldly person on the planet.

    Regardless, I have officially lost interest.

  13. can I appreciate people who have spent thousands of years promoting violence, hatred, misogyny and homophobia?  Nope.

    Can I appericate people who joined a cult that ran "residential schools", poorly named centres for massive sexual and physical abuse, and sometimes outright murder, of native children?  Nope.

    Do I have zombie worshipping friends?  Not on your life.  I am only freinds with decent human beings.

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