
Can auto transmission fluid somehow leak into the oil pan?

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Can auto transmission fluid somehow leak into the oil pan?




  1. Not a chance.  

  2. only if someone put it accidentally from engine fill and this can happen ....

    but should not cause any severe damage if the problem rectified on time...(with the first 10 k's)

  3. The only thing I can think of is if you had a bad rear main seal on the engine and a bad pump seal on the tranny causing auto trans fluid to enter the crankcase that way even tho it is highly unlikely. Check the bell housing where the tranny and engine hook up. if you got tranny fluid or oil leaking from there that might be your problem but I would seriously not bet on it, thats kind of a crazy coincidence for something like that to happen.

  4. Could be a bad vacuum modulator valve.

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