
Can babies still get measles once immunized?

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My one year old has a measles lie rash and the pharmasist has confirmed this. she is up to date with all of her shots, so i didnt thin she would be able to get this virus. also she is having alot of trouble sleeping as she is itchy, calomine lotion not helping, any suggestions?




  1. Yes. Vaccines don't work on 100% of people and they do wear off over time. This is why they give boosters.

    My 10yr old brother had mumps last summer and my husband had it at 15.

  2. Vaccinations help prevent the disease, but are not a gurantee against it.  Once a child is vaccinated against a disease, he/she can still get it, but will get it in a milder form.

  3. Yes baby's can get anything even when they have been immunised my son got phnumococcle meningitis after he was immunized against it. Immunisations are not a guarantee by all means but they just help to prevent it.

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