
Can baby budgies talk???

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i have a baby budgie , he is tame and im just wondering does annyone know how to get a budgie to talk?? what do you hafto do? please help????




  1. The trick is have lots of patience and to keep talking to him over and over. Find about 1-3 simple (clean!) phrases and say them over and over again. I have a baby budgie thats just going into adulthood and hes about 14 weeks. He has just started talking now as he is left with my parrot and he has learnt to speak from my parrot who chats all day. If you take him out and speak to him very closely and stoke him he will match your love to talking and realise that if he talks he will be stroked etc. Also try millet too if you hear him make any sort of noise and he will realise that noise and talking means treats. Baby budgie are very responsive and they can also easily be frightened and not trust you so make sure you reward him and never get fustrated etc. Good Luck

  2. Here are some helpful sites on teaching your bird to talk;

    The last one is super interesting. It's about a parakeet who holds the world record for the largest vocabulary!

  3. Budgies can talk up a storm. Believe it or not, a budgerigar can learn hundreds of words. The world's record for a talking bird has been held by this pint-sized parrot.  They have tiny voices so you have to listen carefully, but you will find that a budgie kept singly will learn to repeat many of the things you say to the bird on a daily basis. This ability does not stop at single words: my mother had a budgie that learned to say, "The drinks are on the house!"

    There are actually two types of budgies commonly seen in aviculture, Australian (often called American parakeets) and English budgies. They are quite different in size and appearance. American parakeets are the birds you usually see in pet stores. English budgies are the birds seen in exhibitions and shows. they are quite a bit larger than the standard budgerigar and their appearance is strikingly different, as you will see on the next page.

    Both American and English budgies can make great pets. Young birds are the best if you want to finger tame your budgie. They can be taught to step up in just a few hours if they are quite young. The photographs below show the differences as well as a variety of colors.

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