
Can baserunners advance on a wild throw from umpire to pitcher?

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I've seen it happen when the catcher throws the ball back to the pitcher... So is that why catchers want the umpire to transfer the ball to the pitcher? What is the story with that?




  1. No as the umpire putting the ball back in play the time is called and intill home plate ump is ready to say

    "play ball"

    It wouldn't matter if the umpire was not heard he would say again.  that simple. You dont here thats your loss

  2. No, time is called by the umpire and the umpire isn't on the team so there is no way they can advance.

  3. No.  When an umpire handles the ball, play is out.

    When an umpire throws the ball back to the pitcher, it is an act of putting the ball back in play, but, until the ump gives the signal to resume play, it is still out.

  4. umpire i dont think so because it is a error but it was not by a team player.

  5. No...

  6. If they do, they will be traded from their team, and no one will want to play with them anymore, and they will stop getting invited to the other's players birthday parties.

    <------- former ump and former baseball player

    who learned the hard way


  7. nope

  8. no i saw that in the giants and diamondbacks game tonight

  9. no

  10. Any time the Umpire is holding the ball, it is not in play. It's a dead ball, an automatic time out,  The ump hands or throws the ball to put it in play, but it isn't in play until everyone is set and he says play ball. Nothing the ump does is part of a play and there can be  no action until he gives the signal.

  11. No. At that point, play has stopped. Game resumes when the home plate umpire is ready.

  12. no.  The umpire is not part of the team.  Why on earth would he be throwing the ball during play time, anyway?

  13. NO, because an umpire never gives a new ball to the pitcher until time is out. So any play that happened while he was tossing a new ball would not be allowed. Watch closely - if an ump is tossing out a new ball (one went in the dirt for instance) he will call time before doing so.

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