
Can becoming a vegetarian prevent me from having children when im older ?

by Guest45376  |  earlier

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I'm a 15 yr old girl and and have been a vegetarian for 2 years and am thinking of becoming a vegan. People keep saying you will have trouble when your older to conceive children.




  1. what? i really dont think so but its good to eat meat. why do u want to be a veggie?

  2. i doubt it very much! I have been a vegetarian since i was about 11 and i am 28, i have 3 children- all conceived quick- and they are all brought up vegetarians. I know it is harder being a vegan and it is not classed as a good idea to raise young children vegan, but if you are careful & use supplements it can be done under guidance if you wish.

  3. ive been a veggie my whole life and i have a healthy 8 yr old son, who is also veggie.... and i know im very fertile, so being veggie is fine

  4. Um, I think a barrier method, oral contraceptives and spermicide are probably better options, lol! and no, being a vegan does not cause fertility issues, but do be sure you have a balanced diet and are meeting your calcium and protein needs.

  5. those ppl are either liars or idiots.  

  6. No, it won't. That's silly.  

  7. No...

  8. What people?  I never heard of such a thing.  I don't think that having a healthy vegetarian lifestyle has any bearing on your reproductive organs

  9. Before you have s*x, go find an animal that died of natural cause and eat it for protein. That way you're not a killer, just a scavenger.

    However, I am almost positive you can eat leafs all your life and still have babies. Look at monkeys. They don't eat meat and they still conceive. Even though they eat worms for protein.. hmm.. I don't think I'm the one to answer your question! lol

  10. The only thing that will keep you from having children is

    a) having a medical problem that prevents you

    b) taking or using some sort of contraceptive to prevent becoming pregnant

    c) not having sexual relations

    Unless you have a very poor diet - not getting everything that you need and are totally malnourished - which can happen to someone that is vegetarian, vegan, or someone that eats meat, fish, and/or poultry - you should have no problem.  Example being those that were in prisoner of war camps - thinking back to the WW 2 times when women and children where put in such 'camps'.

  11. That is just ridiculous.  People in China don't eat very much meat and they have very few fertility problems.  There is no scientific evidence to back up that theory either.  

    I am vegan and I had no problem conceiving.  Being vegan makes you more healthy, not less healthy.  When you are more healthy you are more likely to conceive.

    The people who are telling you that don't know anything about it.  It sounds made up.

  12. Whoever is telling you that is completely misinformed.  Vegetarianism has no impact on your future fertility.  Ask those people to show you the sources.

    A large portion of the nation of India is vegetarian (and has been for centuries.)  Do you think India could have achieved a population of a billion people if vegetarians were infertile?

  13. WEll I suppose if you man doesn't like vegetarians then he wont sleep with you thus you wont have children... so I am going to have to say yes if you don't eat meat you cant have children.

  14. No. Millions of vegetarians in India have children every day. I'm not sure how many vegans there are, but I never heard of any reliable scientific evidence that says it keeps you from having children.

  15. No it does not prevent you from having children at all. That is a myth that meat eaters made up to prevent people from being vegetarian/vegan. You'll be fine!

  16. No you can have kids. ;)

  17. Talk to your gynecologist about that. They can give you the best information you need.

  18. I think what you heard could be SOMEWHAT true but only if you don't get the proper nourishment. Women who lack proper calcium and protein may stop having their regular menstrual cycle, so it's important that you take proper vitamins and eat the right foods to replenish the nutrients that you would otherwise get from meats, eggs, cheese, etc.  

  19. I think people are feeding you fibs here. As far as I'm aware, there's no connection whatsoever to vegetarian diets and ability for women to conceive.

    If somebody can come up with evidence to the contrary, I'm willing to hear it of course.

  20. No, those people are ignorant.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentil, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help you if you see proof that vegan people have the same potential as anyone else.

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