
Can being anything sexual with protecting delay your period?

by  |  earlier

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ok so me & my boyfriend have been sexual but PROTECTED and i think its been delaying my period. am i kind of right?? i know im not pregnant for sure but i am kind of scared of whats happening to my body. im not stressing, over wieght, under wieght, or anything. so can anybody give me any suggestions on whats happening to my body?




  1. protected s*x isn't always one hundred percent...if you are still young your period can still be irregular...i wouldn't worry unless its been a long time

  2. Sexual acts will NOT delay your period.

    I'd take a pregnancy test.  You can get pregnant from protected s*x.

  3. you can become irregular due to hormones and having s*x but find out 100% for sure if your not preggo.  

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