
Can being drunk make you not able to get hard ?

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Can being drunk make you not able to get hard ?




  1. I am a Certified Medical Assistant and YES it can keep you from getting an erection

  2. Yes it does Screamo.

    But every guy misses the point( sorry girls don't be to tough on me).

    The secret is to get them drunk and you stay sober.

    Now in case you malfunction, they won't remember.

    But if your in good working order you'll NEVER forget.

    ( I know it's a little greedy)

    "But all is fair in love and war"

  3. yes some call it whiskey d**k lol

  4. just depends on you and your johnson.

  5. I can show you my martini stirrer

  6. Yes. Alcohol  takes your mind off of it. THe blood doesn't rush down there, thus no erection.

  7. Usually it does, but not always necessarily. I once had s*x with a guy after he was throwing up drunk and he was still "fully functional."

  8. Absolutely yes!  It happens to lots of guys.  They learn that if they are on a hot date, drink VERY slowly.

  9. ummmm yeah

  10. Its not supposed to.

  11. Absolutely.

  12. .....fortunately my hubby doesn't have that problem

    and I hope he never does

  13. yes it can and the longer you drink the worse it gets

  14. no because i think supposely when you are drunk you true feelings come out.

  15. on the long run it will happen....but  at the moment it will not i know=0

  16. Yes it can.

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