
Can believers, agnostics and atheists agree on anything regarding this place called life?

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We argue about religion, spirituality and a-spirituality, about whether there is a God or not, whether we can even know if there is God, and if, we agree that there is God, we argue about who that God is and whose side He/She is on and what He/She supports and condemns.

It seems to me though, that there are a few self-evident truths upon which we can ALL agree:

(i) We are in eternity (That is, since every beginning is defined by something previously ending, whether our own existence is finite or not, life itself must be eternal).

(ii) Change is constant.

(iii) Each life experience depends on other lives.

I just wanted to know if I am right about that, or whether the truth is we can't agree on anything.




  1. This is a good list, but I am not certain that it is beyond debate.  The only one that seems entirely self-evident is (ii).

    (i) Seems to stem from (ii), but in order for it to make sense you have to answer the question "who are we?" and this would be endlessly debatable.

    Again, (iii) is also debatable, as we cannot remember other lives.

    Your three axioms are, however, general accepted spiritual postulates, and it is true that individuals have through personal experience verified (i) and (iii).  Still, these kind of truths are subjective, so they cannot and will not be "self-evident" to everyone.

  2. Now my dear cyber pal, why would anyone agree on anything.

    Did Adam and Eve agree on the evilness of the Tree of Knowledge? No, they did not. So why should their children agree on anything.

    As long as YOU agree with yourself and are satisfied in your mind that Black if Black and White if White, all will be well for you. To blazes with all the rest.


  3. 1 and 3 are wrong:

    1 life itself need not be eternal, and in fact science says it had a beginning and so does religion. Anything with a beginning can have an end.

    3 Why does each life depend on another, if by life you mean animal life? or human life? Animal life depends on plant life for nutrients, but what important philosophical principle does 3 illuminate for us? A man can survive on a desert island, so he doesn't need other humans.

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