
Can beta fish eat "tetra color" tropical flakes instead of special beta food?

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i have had a bets fish fro several weeks and feed him every other day but he never eats anything all the food just stays floating at the top. he seems fine though.




  1. Yes, fish food is all about the same except the color food which has things to make fish more colorful. He must be eating something or he would be all skinny and sickly.  

  2. Bettas don't eat very much so he may not be eating it all but may still be eating when you aren't watching. But to answer your question it would be alright for you to give them Tetra Color but not on a regular basis. One of the reasons why your fish may not be eating is because he could be bored with his diet. Bettas are carnivores and love to eat brine or baby shrimp and blood worms. Give them a try occasionaly as a treat.

  3. no

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