
Can bi polar people live normal lives?...or at all?

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I'm bi polar and I just wanna know if I'll ever live a normal life without ever feeling down. I'm so bipolar that I don't even want to have fun because I know that soon after that I'd be feeling down and suicidal again. I don't want to marry my boyfriend now because I know I'd make a horrible wife and I'd ruin my own wedding day, also I wake up depressed everyday and I wouldn't wanna wake up depressed on my own wedding day cuz isn't that supposed to be...what...the happiest day of your life? I've always ruined everything and disappointed my family in the end because of my d**n disease. I also ruined my graduating by not attending it and that was something my mom waited for since I was little and I ruined it. So will I ever be able to live like a happy normal person at all?




  1. No one can live a normal life, so no.

  2. There is medication that you can take to balance out the manic episodes.   It may take a while for you to get the right dosage but with the aid of your doctor it should work quite well.  It may also help to open up with you dr about the severe depression you are suffering, so that he can get a better handle on the scope of your illness.

  3. You ARE normal. Trust me. And yes, we bipolars can live good fulfilling lives. The secret is good meds, good therapists, and supportive friends and family. Yes, your wedding day would be hard on you - stress always makes the moods harder. But it still will be the happiest day of your life. Just have patience. You'll get to a time in your life where everything is perfect and you no longer have to worry about depression and mania ruining everything. I'm lucky enough to have found a good combo of meds and i can tell you that I have never felt this good in my whole life. don't worry, you'll get there. :)

  4. yes you can live a normal life my mom is bipolar and so does my two older brothers i always thought that living with a bipolar person would be hard but its not rele not if you truly love him tell him how you feel about this situation and if he loves you enuff he wont mind i told my boyfriend that my brests arnt as big as what they appear and he loved me for me and whats in side not whats outside my brothers and my mom go to a sycitrist every week to desguss there problems and believe it or not it has been provin that some medicans can make you bipolar my doctor said i was bipolar and i rele wasent dont believe everything you here from doctors cuz all they want is your money you can live a normal life being bipolar dont swet the small stuff youll do fint tell your man how you feel i bet he'll still love you  give yourself a break youll do fine  

  5. Absolutely!  My mom an dsister are both bi-polar.  I've never been diagnosed, but I think I lean towards a depressive disorder at times.  My mom had to be put on a couple different medications.  Some work for a few years and then for whatever reason, they stop working for her.  This happens.  Also, not any one medication works for everyone.  Brain chemistry is a delicate thing. Talk to your doctor.  Be honest with them.  If your doctor isn't very helpful, find a different one.  This isn't your fault.  You can be happy and lead a normal life.  And by the way, I'm a single mom and miserable at the moment.  I feel very alone.  If your wedding turns out great or terrible, oh well!  Be happy that you have someone who loves you enough to go through it with you!  That's the important thing about weddings.  Even for the happiest people I know, weddings can go bad.  Never seen a wedding yet that went off perfectly.  Enjoy your day as a unique experience.  If you don't like it, have a do-over in a few years and marry him again!  Best wishes!

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