
Can big b***s really prove innocence?

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I found this story on a website, and I wondered if anyone could confirm it's truth. Can anyone find a more reliable source?!+Bikini+Model




  1. i don't think you get what's the point.

    (this was ages ago by the way)

    she supposedly had cut a hole to get into the building but they found that she was innocent because her bust size made her completely impossible to fit in the hole.

    not the idea that big b***s = innocence..

  2. The big b***s prove that the ex-bf story is false. Her ex-bf claim that she climb in small hole in the door. But evidences show that she cannot fit in the hole. So her ex-bf is lying to get money from her.

    She also work part-time as a p**n star so she is rich. Her ex-bf is cheating on her. When she find out and break up with him. He made up a story to extort money from her.

  3. Well she did not fit the crime did she and justice is not blind to what is seen either

    .. .. ..

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