
Can big yatch go across ocean safely? Does bad weather affect yatch move on the sea?

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Can big yatch go across ocean safely? Does bad weather affect yatch move on the sea?




  1. Large and small yachts regularly cross the worlds oceans.  Yes, bad weather does have affects upon them.

    I just sold my 38' sail boat, that was capable of sailing anywhere, the bigger question, was I or my crew able to.  Often at sea for a few short days worked against my crew (AKA wife).

    We have never known anyone that was crossing the oceans in any boat over 50 feet in Length, the smallest one was a Norsea 27 footer that the same couple went from Florida to Europe twice, and are currently out in the South Pacific.  The most unique of our cruising friends have taken their 40 foot sail boat to Antarctica twice.

  2. A few people have circumnavigated on sailboats as small as 26 feet.   However, most people would consider that on the small size.   In addition to size, the design, outfitting and a skills of the person handling it are important.  

    Bad weather can cause many problems, including capsizing, being flooded, being struck by lighting, being washed up on a reef or washed overboard.   Skilled mariners learn how to best deal with these hazards.   Skippering a boat across an ocean is not for the novice.

  3. I would assume bad weather would effect any kind of boat, or sea worthy ship! How many ft. boat that would make a difference too.

  4. ocean waves pulse figure out the pulse and you will find out exactly what size boat will be suited for the task ..

    Rouge waves .will make or brake you ..

    and stay away from the Horn and find out where the pirate prone area are

    why do you want the ugly list for anyway ?

  5. well it really depends on the size of the yacht,the size of the waves.

  6. Yes weather has a big affect on the crossing> as there is no where to hide safety> And it's a big Ocean>But land is only 1 mile away> Straight down>

  7. Yes, you can,,, if you are experienced sailor.  However, storm experience is different than just sailing across the water.  

    search out yatch, and the band DURAN DURAN,,,,, they lost a nice one.

  8. Your question contains a great many variables. There have been a lot of boats that have safely crossed the Atlantic. You'll remember that the Mayflower was only 113 feet long. A well made sailboat, foot per foot is more stable than a motor yacht. Large mega yachts routinely cross all the worlds oceans. Smaller yachts, such as the Nordhavn 62 are built along the lines of North Atlantic fishing trawlers and have crossed the Pacific on their own bottoms. Many yachts, as small as 50 feet sail across the ocean. But, these are specifically fitted out with anti chaffing for their rigging, self bailing cockpits, and other safety features. The word "safely" is relative. There are no guarantees on the ocean, and even unsinkable ocean liners have managed to find the bottom.

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