
Can bike lights be on the rider rather than the bike?

by Guest58098  |  earlier

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Rather than bothering mounting lights on my bike so they get stolen when I forget to remove them, is it legal for me to wear the lights while I ride the bike after dark?




  1. No legally they have to be on the bike red to back white to front and reflector. though no one seems to care as far as I am concerned the brighter the better cyclists have enough trouble being seen.

  2. probable fine

  3. Yes it is legal.

  4. Yes - so long as you show a white light at the front and red at the rear - that's fine.

    Just don't turn round while cycling .... Lol

  5. +why do you have to remove them?where do you go to at nite that concerns you!!you can get clip ON'S to solve this problem...

  6. Legally bike lights must be on the bike. Front lights must be white (no flashing) and must be visible from sideways on (they must have a wrap round lens or a cut out). Rear lights are just the same except they must be red. They both should be fitted to the right hand side of the bike.

  7. yes why not one on you head and one on a belt round ure waist at the back

  8. As long as the lights are visible ( red in back and white light up front ) then you are ok. But some cops will get you for not having reflectors on your bike.

  9. There is no problem riding with lights on you rather than your bike.  There is also nothing illegal about it.   It is an excellent idea.  However, if you ride at night, it is a good idea to have something reflective on your bike.  Nobody steals reflectors

  10. dont see why not

  11. The law says they have to be "affixed to the vehicle", i.e., the bike.

    So, no.

    There used to be such a thing as quick-release lights that just clipped on - front and rear. You had to bolt the brackets on, but the lights just clipped on the brackets. They were light and small enough to take with you when you parked the bike. I had them on my bike, but it was a loooooooong time ago.

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