
Can black holes merge into each other? please read the details.?

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Some say that all of our galaxies have huge black holes near the center of each one in our ever expanding universe.

My question is this:

When galaxies collide into each do their black holes merge?

And if so, do they get bigger?

If so could they one day become big enough to stop the expansion of our universe and maybe even reverse the expanding?




  1. seems that they may get bigger from this website

  2. Ummm... Sorry to disappoint, but the universe isn't expanding.

    If it were, the Earth would have been burnt in the sun long long ago.

  3. yes they can, its just a theory but since its hard to see black holes they cant readily prove it but i believe its true also the universe is expanding, and the earth wouldn't blow up. it would freeze because as space expands the distance between earth and the sun would be made a greater distance and also the universe only expands a lil at a time like only millimeters if i remember correctly oh and in fact they may end the expansion, but thats millions of years away before they get big enough to do that much damage

  4. The answer is yes to black holes can merge and will merge when 2 galaxies collide and become one and as long as the black holes stay in the newly formed galaxy and not flung out into the universe to wonder until it either is meet by another galaxy or over billions and billions of years finally dies . yes black holes unless they feed on stars and planets will throw off on molecule at a time until theres nothing left .no a black hole cannot get large enough to stop the expansion because a black hole in the universe is smaller than a pin head on a football Field and  if you were to combine all the black holes it would look like a gulf ball on a football field so this would be only a fraction and could not affect our universe

  5. Can black holes merge? Yes, when galaxies merge, their black holes merge.

    The resulting black hole is the sum of the masses of the two black holes.  Since the mass goes up, the radius also goes up in proportion.

    Can they get big enough to stop the expansion? No, the total mass in black holes is only a small fraction of all the mass in the Universe, and even the total mass density of the Universe is insufficient to stop the expansion.  Merging of black holes does not create new mass, it simply concentrates the mass of two point-like bodies into a single point-like body.

  6. Yeah, if two black holes would collide, a bigger one may form but it's still a theory, no one knows it for sure. The expansion of the universe have nothing to do with the black holes.

  7. sorry to bust your bubble of thought, but since there are black holes, our universe isn't expanding. And yea, there's a black hole that has been recorded for eating another.

  8. i was watching some thing on tv that was talking about when a black hole gets big enough it implodes kind of like a supernova, but no one REALLY knows what happens because no one has ever seen it. they just make guesses on what is most likely, but i think it is possible for a black hole to eat up nearly an entire galaxy and if big enough implode.

  9. Galaxies do collide but rarely with any degree of precision close enough for both super massive black holes to merge. Over millions or billions of years the black holes may one day meet as the two galaxies begin to coalesce into one galaxy. If this were too happen the black hole would get bigger just like 1+1=2, but it would not stop the expansion of the universe. Matter in a black hole does not have any more gravity per mass unit as any other massive body... the matter is only much more closely pact togethor.

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